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A partial list of disorders that have responded within 2 visits

PhotoMed's team sponsored and supported feasibility studies for the variable-wavelength therapy. The responses and outcomes to the therapy exceeded everyone's imagination.

A primary reason for skepticism was (and still is) that we found no predictions of the responses and outcomes in tomes on chronic pain. How could unrelenting "nothing works" chronic pain simply vanish? It would take nearly 20 years to find the solution --> in the language of rehabilitation. The practitioner and non-invasive devices prompt the body to resume its normal healing.  The measure of success, normal functioning, is easy to detect - the patient doesn't need more therapy.

The founder, a skeptical mechanical engineer, led the team to utilize industrial-style methods for testing the new therapy and collecting real-time data. Today, PhotoMed's sophisticated recording system is called the Instant Verification System.


Objective measures (sensory, motor, skin temperature, & wounds) and TIME provided comparative data for improving the therapeutic efficiency. The efficiency improved with the discovery of which order to apply different wavelengths for different disorders.

Attempts failed to quantify possible wavelength-dose-response relationships for abnormally cold hands or feet. The problem was that there were 300 wavelengths to test. Worse, the dose calculations stopped working when no more therapy was needed. It now appears that the body had received the right signal to restart its normal functioning or healing.

Another challenge for studying non-invasive therapies is that the body continues with its own healing after the therapy ends. The responses may be indistinguishable from "normal" except for the delay. Could it be the "before" story that makes the responses seem special?


Pioneering relief for patients enduring "nothing works" chronic pain

The team specifically asked researchers to reduce selection bias by primarily inviting their patients with long duration and high-impact pain for whom nothing had worked before. Traditional pain studies that aim to confirm a hypothesis intentionally exclude  people that aren't expected to respond to the intervention.

PhotoMed's team intentionally invited people with the "nothing works" types of pain. Volunteers previously failed interventions provided randomized "control arms" to test the null hypothesis: "the new therapy will not provide greater relief than any previous intervention". At the beginning, no one (including the founder and team) expected that the therapy might "work" for so many seemingly disparate disorders.


More than 500 people volunteered in the studies at 7 sites (California [3], Massachusetts, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Florida). Many participants arrived with multiple sites of unresponsive pain. Review of study data suggests that many volunteers had been sent for physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) after “nothing worked” with conventional interventions.

Today, it appears that the people who have had their pain adequately "managed" by pain-masking interventions do not respond with quick events or fully return to normal functioning. They may report feeling "better" but few would report that they "feel normal again".

Practitioners may recognize similar responses and outcomes from other non-invasive therapies.

Doesn't the return to normal functioning describe the basic program of life itself?

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A partial list of disorders that have responded within 2 visits

Sensory impairments

  • Loss of sensation in fingers or toes

  • Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN)

  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS or RSD)

  • Post-surgical pain

  • Post-chemotherapy pain

  • Neuropathy from other causes, such as stroke or spinal cord injury

  • Sympathetically mediated (or maintained) pain

  • Post-herpetic pain (shingles)

  • Phantom pain in missing limbs and reconstructed skin

  • Mirror-neuron synesthesia

  • Headaches

Motor impairments

  • Loss of grip strength and movement

  • Muscle knots

  • Arthritis

  • “Frozen” joint movements

  • Lost range-of-motion

  • Loss of movement after stroke (therapy helps overcome “learned” non-use)

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Scoliosis

  • Loss of coordination in gait & swallowing, and choreic movements from Huntington’s disease

  • Headaches

Autonomic abnormalities

  • Abnormally cold or hot hands, with or without pain

  • Thermoregulation, gut, bowel, and bladder function after spinal cord injury

  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS or RSD)

  • Raynaud's syndrome

  • Headaches


  • Restart non-healing wounds at any stage

  • Accelerate slow-healing wounds

  • Diabetic foot ulcers and loss of sensation

  • Venous stasis ulcers, bed sores (pressure injuries or pressure ulcers)

  • Improve scars, keloids

Disclaimer: The benefits listed on this website are based upon data collected during development of PhotoMed’s products. The methods, Vari-Chrome® Pro, and Instant Verification System™ are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The term “normal” refers to a functional state maintained by the body in the absence of a medication or therapy.

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